Urf. I hate reading code that isn't indented, especially when I don't know what it does.
/* add the listener to the master set */
FD_SET (listener, &master);
/* keep track of the biggest file descriptor */
fdmax = listener;                /* so far, it's this one */
/* loop */
for (;;)
    /* copy it */
    read_fds = master;
    if (select (fdmax + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)
        perror ("Server-select() error lol!");
        exit (1);
    printf ("Server-select() is OK...\n");
    /*run through the existing connections looking for data to be read*/
    for (i = 0; i <= fdmax; i++)
        if (FD_ISSET (i, &read_fds))
        {                        /* we got one... */
            if (i == listener)
                /* handle new connections */
                addrlen = sizeof (clientaddr);
                if ((newfd =
                    accept (listener, (struct sockaddr *) &clientaddr,
                    &addrlen)) == -1)
                    perror ("Server-accept() error lol!");
                    printf ("Server-accept() is OK...\n");
                                 /* add to master set */
                    FD_SET (newfd, &master);
                    if (newfd > fdmax)
                    {            /* keep track of the maximum */
                        fdmax = newfd;
                    printf ("&#37;s: New connection from %s on socket %d\n",
                        argv[0], inet_ntoa (clientaddr.sin_addr), newfd);
                /* handle data from a client */
                if ((nbytes = recv (i, buf, sizeof (buf), 0)) <= 0)
                    /* got error or connection closed by client */
                    if (nbytes == 0)
                        /* connection closed */
                        printf ("%s: socket %d hung up\n", argv[0], i);
                        perror ("recv() error lol!");
                    /* close it... */
                    close (i);
                    /* remove from master set */
                    FD_CLR (i, &master);
                    /* we got some data from a client*/
                    for (j = 0; j <= fdmax; j++)
                        /* send to everyone! */
                        if (FD_ISSET (j, &master))
                            /* except the listener and ourselves */
                            if (j != listener && j != i)
                                if (send (j, buf, nbytes, 0) == -1)
                                    perror ("send() error lol!");
Much better . . .

I don't know much about socket programming, but I think a set of sockets is like an array of them. Just thought I'd clear that up at the beginning.

How does it handle new connections? Well . . .
            if (i == listener)
                /* handle new connections */
                addrlen = sizeof (clientaddr);
                if ((newfd =
                    accept (listener, (struct sockaddr *) &clientaddr,
                    &addrlen)) == -1)
                    perror ("Server-accept() error lol!");
                    printf ("Server-accept() is OK...\n");
                                 /* add to master set */
                    FD_SET (newfd, &master);
                    if (newfd > fdmax)
                    {            /* keep track of the maximum */
                        fdmax = newfd;
                    printf ("%s: New connection from %s on socket %d\n",
                        argv[0], inet_ntoa (clientaddr.sin_addr), newfd);
The program has opened a listener socket, and when it receives a connection on that one, it must be a new one. It adds it to the list, and there you go.

I make it sound so simple.

[edit] I much prefer this tutorial: http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/ht...et.html#listen [/edit]